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Front Deck III - White

Creatures of Leisure

The Front Deck II Pad by Creatures of Leisure is a throwback to the flare of the 80's. The extra grip on your front foot can be a hail mary when trying radical above the lip manoveurs. Air enthusiasts such as Jay Davies and Mitch Coleborn swear by them so if you are looking for a little more steez then they are definitley worth a try on your next shortboard.


  • 3 Piece Grip
  • Lightweight EVA
  • Square Loc II Pattern
  • Flat pad
  • Length - 403.5mm / 15.9"
  • Width - 375mm / 14.8"

Front Deck III - White

The Front Deck II Pad by Creatures of Leisure is a throwback to the flare of the 80's. The extra grip on your front foot can be a hail mary when trying radical above the lip manoveurs. Air enthusiasts such as Jay Davies and Mitch Coleborn swear by them so if you are looking for a little more steez then they are definitley worth a try on your next shortboard.


  • 3 Piece Grip
  • Lightweight EVA
  • Square Loc II Pattern
  • Flat pad
  • Length - 403.5mm / 15.9"
  • Width - 375mm / 14.8"
from $59.95

Availability: Out of stock

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